Science n Space News

How the Christmas tree tradition came to be

Evergreens have long served as symbols of the perseverance of life during the bleakness of winter, and the promise of the sun’s return.

logo.png  By WG  Dec 25, 2022

How do smelling salts work?

Smelling salts are found in Victorian novels to rouse fainting women and on the sports field to possibly help athletes. But how do they work?

logo.png  By WG  Dec 25, 2022

25 breathtaking images of the northern lights

Auroras paint the skies in eerie hues of green and blue in these stunning images of the northern lights.

logo.png  By WG  Dec 25, 2022

People 'finger painted' the skulls of their ancestors red in the Andes a millennium ago

An analysis into finger-painted skulls found in Peru, some from individuals who died up to a millennium ago, reveals that people painted their ancestors' skeletal remains.

logo.png  By WG  Dec 24, 2022