Science n Space News

The first atomic bombs: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 6 and 9, 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

logo.png  By WG  Mar 12, 2022

George Washington: Commander, Founding Father and president

George Washington was a key figure in the founding of the United States of America, helping to secure independence from Britain and was its first president.

logo.png  By WG  Mar 12, 2022

Why is the medical symbol a snake on a stick?

Life's Little Mysteries investigates the meaning behind the medical emblem of two snakes entwined around a rod.

logo.png  By WG  Mar 12, 2022

Fact check: Russian space agency head didn't threaten to strand American astronaut

News outlets incorrectly reported that Dmitry Rogozin had threatened to strand an astronaut on the ISS.

logo.png  By WG  Mar 12, 2022