Science n Space News

Cosmic rays reveal 2,500-year-old subterranean burial in ancient Greek necropolis

Cosmic rays have revealed an underground Greek tomb in Naples, Italy.

logo.png  By WG  May 3, 2023

China's malfunctioning Mars rover may have found evidence of recent water on the Red Planet

Data from China's unresponsive Zhurong rover suggests that Mars had snow and frost as recently as 400,000 years ago.

logo.png  By WG  May 3, 2023

3,000-year-old 'bear' bone from Alaska isn't what it seems

A bone found in a cave in Alaska and thought to from a bear is actually from a human, casting new light on the genetics of Native American peoples.

logo.png  By WG  May 3, 2023

1st-century Buddha statue from ancient Egypt indicates Buddhists lived there in Roman times

Buddhists lived in Egypt during Roman times, a 1st-century Buddha statue found in Berenike suggests.

logo.png  By WG  May 3, 2023